We’ve all done it.  We’ve all been back-seat drivers, armchair quarterbacks, and “Facebook experts” on any number of issues.  That is easy. What is harder is actually doing something.

As a grassroots advocacy organization, we at HSLDA Action talk to people all the time who are under the false impression that voting is the most that the average person can do to impact the political landscape around them. Or they think that you have to donate money to help a candidate you support.  We are here to tell you that this is not true. 

If you are invested in a cause or candidate, there are some very practical and highly effective ways to leave your metaphorical armchair and actually get in the game. 

Foremost on this list is volunteering.

The lifeblood of any campaign is volunteerism. Without passionate citizens donating their time, no campaign would be successful. You can be that difference. 

The first step is to identify the candidate you want to associate with.  Politics isn’t a solo sport. If you really want to make a difference, you need to band together and maximize your efforts with like-minded people. We have some helpful guidance on how to determine whether a candidate is worthy of your support in another article, so we won’t go into that at length here. 

Now that you have found the candidate or cause you want to support, you can get involved! The best way to do this is to reach out to them and ask how you can help.  Anyone in politics worth their salt will make this process very easy. The best places to start are the campaign website or social media accounts. They should provide means to reach out, and possibly even a specific platform especially designed to allow you to get involved.

Every campaign will have specific needs, and areas they still need help.  Finding out what those areas are and plugging in to solve those needs will make you indispensable to the campaign and will turn you into a very real part of that campaign’s ultimate success. Below are just a few of the many things all campaigns need volunteers to help with:

  • Making calls
  • Door-to-door canvassing
  • Recruiting other volunteers
  • Coordinating and training other volunteers
  • Planning local events
  • Reaching out to local media outlets
  • Writing positive letters to the editor in local newspapers

Our system of government was built on the idea that citizens would be active and engaged in the political process. There are so many ways for you to help elect candidates that support your values. 

So here is our question: are you going to be that armchair quarterback? Or are you going to get off the bench and get in the game?